Value Chain of Non-human Species
1-2 days
Individual / Group / Artefact- / material-driven
Comprehend / Conceptualise
This activity aims to recognise and unravel the existence of the non-human species in the value chain and building on this it aims to surface the impact of these in the production system.
With industrialised and out-sourced production, connection to the production process and what it involves has either become weak or entirely broken. This accounts for the origin of resources used, the way resources are being processed and travel, but to a large extent also for the multiplicity of living, humans and especially non-humans involved. This activity aims to illuminate the resources often overseen when valuing the supply chain.
How does the non-human species affect the production of clothes?
Links to Pillar(s)
Cultural - Economic - Environmental - Social
Ask a student to pick a garment that they own and know a lot about and map the value chain of the garment as well as they can.
What kinds of resources have been used?
How and where has the garment been produced?
How has it been transported, where and how was it sold?
Who has bought it, and where will it likely go when the student no longer uses it?
Map all the non-human species that are directly involved in the process. These can be animals, plants, bacteria, microorganisms.
Which species are providers, helpers, collaborators, challengers, consumers…?
Which non-human species are indirectly affected positively or negatively in the process?
Allow time for students to make as thorough and detailed a map as possible and to reflect upon the ways this value chain has affected other lives than human.
Facilitate a discussion on the impact and value of human and non-human species in the supply chain.
This Activity Links To
Suggested Readings
Fletcher, K. & Tham, M. 2019. “Earth Logic. Fashion Action Research Plan”. The JJ Charitable Trust
Tham, M., Ståhl, Å. & Hyltén-Cavallius, S. 2019. “Oikology - Home Ecologics: a book about building and home making for permaculture and for making our home together on Earth”. Linnaeus University Press
Fletcher, K., St. Pierre, L. & Tham, M. (eds.) 2019. “Design and Nature: A Partnership”. Routledge