The FashionSEEDS Design Canvas is a follow-on tool that supports academics leaders and practitioners teaching fashion design, in identifying their strategic priorities with a holistic understanding of Fashion Design for Sustainability and to design teaching and learning activities using the FashionSEEDS key concepts and resources.
As part of the FashionSEEDS Tutor's Toolkit and following the Course Designer, it offers an intuitive, project-based approach to mapping out and setting visions, values, goals and decisions throughout the planning process of educational curricula and to accessing the FashionSEEDS tools and library of resources.
How to use the FashionSEEDS Design Canvas
The FashionSEEDS Design Canvas is a metadesign tool (Van Onck, 1964) that offers a methodological approach based on four consecutive phases: Reflection, Conceptualisation, Design, and Synthesis that inform each other in a continuous process of knowledge enhancement in the field of Fashion Design for Sustainability.

Fig. 1: FashionSEEDS Design Canvas Interpretative Model.
The Worksheets
According to this structure, the FashionSEEDS Design Canvas is organised in two worksheets. The first one encloses Reflection, Conceptualisation, and Design phases, and aims at defining the contents through the support of the resources and tools available in the FashionSEEDS platform.

FashionSEEDS Design Canvas #1
The second worksheet, that covers Synthesis phase, aims at synthesising in a final document the syllabus and the planning of an educational curriculum developed with a holistic understanding of Fashion Design for Sustainability.

FashionSEEDS Design Canvas #2
Expected Outcomes
The main FashionSEEDS Design Canvas expected outcomes are:
Understanding the potentiality offered by the FashionSEEDS project with respect to design, remodel, or review new holistic approaches in FDfS education;
Experiencing the scalability, flexibility and modularity of the FashionSEEDS Tutor Toolkit in heterogeneous and interdisciplinary teaching environments in order to enrich a holistic approach to FDfS educational path.
Experimenting with the validity the FashionSEEDS key resources and tools stored in the FashionSEEDS platform.
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LUMA Institute. 2012. Innovating for People. Handbook of Hu-man-Centered Design Methods.
Pittsburgh: LUMA Institute.
Shön, D. (1983). The Reflective Practitioner, London: Temple Smith.
Sterling, S. (2001) Sustainable Education: Re-visioning learning and change. Totnes: Green Books Ltd for The Schumacher Society.
Sterling, S. (2010) ‘Learning for resilience, or the resilient learner? Towards a necessary reconciliation in a paradigm of sustainable education’ in Environmental Education Research Vol. 16, Nos. 5–6, October–December 2010, 511–528 Learning_for_resilience_or_the_resilient_learner_Towards_a_necessary_reconciliation_in_a_ paradigm_of_sustainable_education
Stibbe, A. (ed.) (2009) The Handbook of Sustainability Literacy: skills for a changing world. Totnes, UK: Green Books
Van Onck, A. (1964). Metadesign. Edilizia Moderna, 85.
Vacca, F., Warshavki, T., 2016. Interdisciplinary Research and Education Agenda. A Design Driven Perspective. Firenze: Mandragora.
Williams, D. (2016) ‘Transition to Transformation in Fashion Education for Sustainability’ in W. Leal Filho and L. Brandli (eds.), Engaging Stakeholders in Education for Sustainable Development at University Level, World Sustainability Series. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Williams, D. and Toth-Fejel, K. (2016) ‘The Will and the Skill in Education for Sustainability’, Designing Tomorrow’s Campus: Resiliency, Vulnerability, and Adaptation. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA, 14-16 September 2016.